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Monday, March 31, 2014

College Education Pros and Cons

Nowadays everyone wants to get a collage degree, because if you don't have one everybody says that it is a bad thing. So are the extra yeas of education worth it?

Pro and Cons of having college education


  • If you graduate a collage you will most likely earn more money from your job
  • The majority of employers want a collage degree
  • The opportunities of better job employment is higher
  • You will have better health insurance and retirement plan
  • Statistics say the collage graduates are healthier and live longer. Also their children are healthier and are better when they go to school
  • The collage graduates prove to be more productive in society
  • Having extra knowledge always helps
  • Getting the collage degree is one of the major achievement in your life


  • Collage requires a lot of money to complete
  • The lack of money forces collage students to make compromises like: leaving with their parents, postpone marriage plans, lack of financial independence.
  • After the hart time you had to get the collage degree, you may find yourself working in a place that doesn't require collage degree
  • The concurrence on job offers are acerbic, and may college graduates are unemployed at the moment
  • There are lots of successful people without a collage degree
  • Many collage students waste their money because they never graduate it
  • Learning a trade profession is a good "back-up" if you fail to graduate the collage
  • Having a collage degree doesn't guarantee you will get a job
  • The stress in collage is sometimes overwhelming, and may lead to health problems
College Education Pros and Cons
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