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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Time Travel Pros and Cons

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, generally using a theoretical invention, namely a time machine. It has a commonly recognized place in philosophy and fiction, but has a very limited application in real world physics, such as in quantum mechanics or wormholes.

Pro and Cons of Time Travel


  • You can prevent events that happens, like calamities, death, wars, terrorist attacks etc
  • Can be used to help the humanity in large matters, like going to the future to see how the economics evolved - are they better or worse? what caused it, find out new discovery's and inventions
  • Possibility of obtaining cures for illnesses that are incurable now
  • We can travel in past and find out exactly where humans came, how the pyramids were build, how the dinosaurs looked etc.


  • Any change you make into the past may distort the future, and it may not be the same when you return.
  • Paradoxes. Like if you travel back in time, and kill your father, before he conceives you. What will happen to you?
  • If a paradox is made it may make the whole universe collapse.
  • If a time machine falls in the wrong hands the whole world would be in danger.
  • By today's scientific facts, you can only time-travel into the future
  • Criminals could use it to escape their crimes
Time Travel Pros and Cons
  • Title : Time Travel Pros and Cons
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  • Date : 11:31 AM
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