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Saturday, April 5, 2014

AZIO KB505U Tri-Color Illuminated Keyboard Pros and Cons

Small Review: 

The KB505U backlight provides a great solution for those who need that extra help seeing the keyboard in low light. The large print makes the letters easily identifiable and the keyboard backlight can also be cycled through 3 different colors to fit your mood or preference. Shortcut keys make it a breeze to navigate your favorite programs. AZIO’s KB505U is a great way to spruce up your home or office while adding much needed functionality and readability.

Pro and Cons of AZIO KB505U Tri-Color


  • Three different colors of key illumination
  • Easy to setup
  • Extra buttons available
  • Good price
  • Good visibility in the dark
  • Great for older people with eyesight problems
  • The letters are big


  • The palm-rest is uncomfortable
  • Ticking keys, and hard to press keys
  • The keys feels weird when pressed, compared to normal keyboars
  • Terrible for fast tapers or gamers
  • Not reliable, it breaks relatively fast


AZIO KB505U is an illuminated keyboard, and that about it. It is probably aimed for older folks who use the computer rarely. But if you are an active PC user you will hate this keyboard instantly. It is hard to type on it, it doesn't register all the key presses as it should and it will probably break in 2 weeks, if you don't crush it sooner :)
AZIO KB505U Tri-Color Illuminated Keyboard Pros and Cons
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